Join the Southern Nursing Research Society (SNRS) to be part of over 500 nursing scholars and students dedicated to advancing and promoting nursing research. There are many benefits to being an SNRS member, see below for a list of the many ways we offer value to our members:


  • Discount registration to annual SNRS conference
  • Ability to present research at SNRS Annual Conference, the premier event for presenting research in the southern region
  • Networking with 500+ researchers, clinicians, and students in 14 states
  • Opportunities for grant funding
  • Research awards for achievements
  • Option to belong to one Research Interest and Implementation Group with networking opportunities
  • Opportunities to serve on SNRS committees, the SNRS Board of Directors and the Student Network
  • Receive the SNRS Newsletter four times a year, Southern Connections
  • Online subscription to Research in Nursing & Health (RINAH)
  • Discounted membership to Council for the Advancement of Nursing Science (CANS)
  • Member area on the website for online information, news, and discussion groups
  • Free member-only webinars
  • Voting Privileges
  • Mentorship Program
  • Inclusion in searchable online Membership Directory
  • Opportunities to share research studies with the membership


The Southern Nursing Research Society is a calendar year membership, January 1 through December 31. Dues are prorated starting July 1st. To learn more about the different types of membership, click here.

  • Regular Member – $200
  • Retired Member – $125
  • Student Member – $125
  • Associate Member - $200
  • Institutional Member (2024 rate) – $650

New 2024 Institutional Membership Packages, click here to learn more.

To join SNRS, please click on the button below to fill out a new member application. To renew your SNRS membership, please log into your Member Profile at the top of this page.


Listen to Dr. Mercy Mumba, past SNRS Director of Membership on why an SNRS membership is so important to your nursing research.